Jonathan A. Titus

Microcomputer Pioneer

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This link is a tease aimed at the Competition Director, Professor Clements, since while working on the project we discovered that he was also one of the early microcomputer designers, as he states in his article on "Brief History of Microprocessors": "I built my own microcomputer in 1976 using Motorola's 6800." Consequently, we dug out his textbook on microcomputer design, published by Prentice Hall, in 1982, and hacked (not really, just browsed) into his website to learn about his new book, and as a result produced this page to prove that our concept of educating the general population on designing microcomputers is viable and the website easily extendable in a format we are suggesting.


Microcomputer Design and Construction From Microcomputer Design and Construction
by Alan Clements

In this chapter four aspects of the TS1 microprocessor system are dealt with. As the nature of a microprocessor system is so heavily affected by the particular microprocessor at its heart, we begin with a description of the actual microprocessor chosen for the TS1.

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2.Binary Number System & 3.Boolean Logic

68000 Family Assembly Language Programming Professor Clements writes on these topics in his other book: 68000 Family Assembly Language Programming, Thomson Engineering, 1994

4.Digital Circuits

Microcomputer Design and Construction From Microcomputer Design and Construction
by Alan Clements

These three devices have been included as an appendex because of their great importance in the design of interface circuits and becuase even though many other works...

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5.CPU and Memory

From Structure of the CPU
by Alan Clements

We begin by describing the structure of a simple generic CPU. Once we see how a computer operates in principle, we can look at how it may be implemented.We describe the operation of a very simple one-and-a-half address machine whose instructions have two operands; one in memory and one a register. Instructions are written in the form ADD A,B that adds A to B and puts the result in B. Either A or B must be a register.

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Microcomputer Design and Construction From Microcomputer Design and Construction
by Alan Clements

The performance of a microprocessor system may be thought of as being influenced by four factors: the instruction set of the microprocessor, the seepd of the mircoprocessor, the addressing techniques employed by the microprocessor, and the memory.

Read More: Adobe Acrobat PDF FileClements Memory 05b.pdf [438 KB]

6.Instruction Set

From The Instruction Set Architecture
by Alan Clements

There are two ways of introducing the processor. One is to explain how a computer works at the level of its internal information flow by describing the way in which information is transmitted between registers and internal units and showing how an instruction is decoded and interpreted (i.e. executed).The other approach is to introduce the native language, or machine code, of a computer and show what computer instructions can do. In practice no-one writes programs in machine code; instead they use assembly language which is a human-readable representation of machine code (see the box 'The assembler').

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7.Addressing Modes

Microcomputer Design and Construction From Microcomputer Design and Construction
by Alan Clements

There are several different ways in which the three address-decoding strategies defined in the last section may be implemented. In general, address-decoding techniques may be divided into four groups: address decoding using random logic, address decoding using m-line to n-line decoders, address decoding using PROMs and address decoding using programmable logic arrays.

Read More: Adobe Acrobat PDF FileClements Addressing07.pdf [177 KB]

8.Assembly Language

Microcomputer Design and Construction From Microcomputer Design and Construction
by Alan Clements

All microprocessor systems, without exception, are composed of two fundamental entities-the hardware and the software. The hardware part of a microprocessor system consists of all the physical components which make up the system, while the software is the program residing in the microprocessor's memory.

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9.Bus and Input-Output

Microcomputer Design and Construction From Microcomputer Design and Construction
by Alan Clements

A bus is a highway composed of one or more paths which transfer information and electrical power between the various components of a digital system. The concept of a common bus, carrying data from one part of a system to another, is so obvious that it is difficult to imagine a complex digital system without one.

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10.Interfacing and Interrupts

Microcomputer Design and Construction From Microcomputer Design and Construction
by Alan Clements

In order to free the CPU from the mundane tasks associated with input or output operations, the microprocessor manufacturers have provided the engineer with a broad spectrum of interface devices. These I/O devices often have circuit complexities which rival those of the CPU itself.

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11.Advanced Topics

Microcomputer Design and Construction From Microcomputer Design and Construction
by Alan Clements

The computational power of any given microprocessor is fixed. It is fixed at the time of its conception by the engineers who design the architecture, and by the technology with which the chip is fabricated.

Read More: Adobe Acrobat PDF FileClements Advanced11.pdf [448 KB]

12.Design Tools

Microcomputer Design and Construction From Microcomputer Design and Construction
by Alan Clements

Having decided to construct a microprocessor system, there are three practical considerations to be taken into account: the circuit of the system, the physical construction of the circuit, and the housing of the circuit.

Read More: Adobe Acrobat PDF FileClements Design12.pdf [392 KB]