Jonathan A. Titus

Microcomputer Pioneer

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Comm Board

This "Comm Board" is an example of reading binary ASCII characters. Every page that has this board has a different message encoded into it. Test your binary skills and see if you can decifer the messages. Each of the red or white LED's represent a bit. There are a total of 8 bits which represent 1 8-bit ASCII character. In Figure 1 you can see the individual bits and their associated values. The most significant bit is located in the top left row and the least significant bit is located in the bottom right row. A red LED represents a true(1) and a white LED represnets a false(0).

Comm Board Bits
Figure 1: Comm Board Bits

If you would like to see the message click the "Show Message" button and the message will be displayed. The current letter on the board will be displayed in red. See Figure 2 for details.

Comm Board Message
Figure 2: Comm Board Message

   Decimal   Octal   Hex    Binary     Value
     000      000    000   00000000      NUL    
     001      001    001   00000001      SOH    
     002      002    002   00000010      STX    
     003      003    003   00000011      ETX    
     004      004    004   00000100      EOT    
     005      005    005   00000101      ENQ    
     006      006    006   00000110      ACK    
     007      007    007   00000111      BEL    
     008      010    008   00001000       BS    
     009      011    009   00001001       HT    
     010      012    00A   00001010       LF    
     011      013    00B   00001011       VT    
     012      014    00C   00001100       FF    
     013      015    00D   00001101       CR    
     014      016    00E   00001110       SO    
     015      017    00F   00001111       SI    
     016      020    010   00010000      DLE
     017      021    011   00010001      DC1
     018      022    012   00010010      DC2
     019      023    013   00010011      DC3
     020      024    014   00010100      DC4
     021      025    015   00010101      NAK
     022      026    016   00010110      SYN
     023      027    017   00010111      ETB
     024      030    018   00011000      CAN
     025      031    019   00011001       EM
     026      032    01A   00011010      SUB
     027      033    01B   00011011      ESC
     028      034    01C   00011100       FS
     029      035    01D   00011101       GS
     030      036    01E   00011110       RS
     031      037    01F   00011111       US
     032      040    020   00100000       SP
     033      041    021   00100001        !
     034      042    022   00100010        "
     035      043    023   00100011        #
     036      044    024   00100100        $
     037      045    025   00100101        %
     038      046    026   00100110        &
     039      047    027   00100111        '
     040      050    028   00101000        (
     041      051    029   00101001        )
     042      052    02A   00101010        * 
     043      053    02B   00101011        +
     044      054    02C   00101100        ,
     045      055    02D   00101101        -
     046      056    02E   00101110        . 
     047      057    02F   00101111        /
     048      060    030   00110000        0
     049      061    031   00110001        1
     050      062    032   00110010        2
     051      063    033   00110011        3
     052      064    034   00110100        4
     053      065    035   00110101        5
     054      066    036   00110110        6
     055      067    037   00110111        7
     056      070    038   00111000        8
     057      071    039   00111001        9
     058      072    03A   00111010        :
     059      073    03B   00111011        ;
     060      074    03C   00111100        <
     061      075    03D   00111101        =
     062      076    03E   00111110        >
     063      077    03F   00111111        ?
     064      100    040   01000000        @
     065      101    041   01000001        A
     066      102    042   01000010        B
     067      103    043   01000011        C
     068      104    044   01000100        D
     069      105    045   01000101        E
     070      106    046   01000110        F
     071      107    047   01000111        G
     072      110    048   01001000        H
     073      111    049   01001001        I
     074      112    04A   01001010        J
     075      113    04B   01001011        K
     076      114    04C   01001100        L
     077      115    04D   01001101        M
     078      116    04E   01001110        N
     079      117    04F   01001111        O
     080      120    050   01010000        P
     081      121    051   01010001        Q
     082      122    052   01010010        R
     083      123    053   01010011        S
     084      124    054   01010100        T
     085      125    055   01010101        U
     086      126    056   01010110        V
     087      127    057   01010111        W
     088      130    058   01011000        X
     089      131    059   01011001        Y
     090      132    05A   01011010        Z
     091      133    05B   01011011        [
     092      134    05C   01011100        \
     093      135    05D   01011101        ] 
     094      136    05E   01011110        ^ 
     095      137    05F   01011111        _
     096      140    060   01100000        `
     097      141    061   01100001        a
     098      142    062   01100010        b
     099      143    063   01100011        c
     100      144    064   01100100        d
     101      145    065   01100101        e
     102      146    066   01100110        f
     103      147    067   01100111        g
     104      150    068   01101000        h
     105      151    069   01101001        i
     106      152    06A   01101010        j
     107      153    06B   01101011        k
     108      154    06C   01101100        l
     109      155    06D   01101101        m
     110      156    06E   01101110        n
     111      157    06F   01101111        o
     112      160    070   01110000        p
     113      161    071   01110001        q
     114      162    072   01110010        r
     115      163    073   01110011        s
     116      164    074   01110100        t
     117      165    075   01110101        u
     118      166    076   01110110        v
     119      167    077   01110111        w
     120      170    078   01111000        x
     121      171    079   01111001        y
     122      172    07A   01111010        z
     123      173    07B   01111011        {
     124      174    07C   01111100        |
     125      175    07D   01111101        }
     126      176    07E   01111110        ~
     127      177    07F   01111111      DEL

Try it yourself!

Debug these messages, and press the "Reveal Answer" button to see if you are correct.

Welcome to CHC61!

Jonathan A. Titus

Mark-8 Microcomputers!

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